Supermodelka pridala fotku, ako vyzerá naozaj! Ľudia sú vo vytržení!
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Supermodelka pridala fotku, ako vyzerá naozaj! Ľudia sú vo vytržení!

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Patrila medzi najväčšie hviezdy v zlatých časoch topmodeliek. Pôvodom z Československa, no s dramatickým príbehom o úteku rodiny po roku 1968 do Švédska. Paulína Pořízková sa napokon ako 18-ročná usídlila v USA, kde žije dodnes.

Paulína sa vďaka svojej výške 180 cm a mieram 86-57-89, doplneným krásnou tvárou, bez problémov presadila vo svete modelingu a dostala sa až na špicu.

Odvtedy prešlo už takmer 40 rokov a Paulína oslávi v apríli 55. narodeniny. Bolo by zvláštne, ak by stále vyzerala ako na začiatku kariéry, no nepochybne sa stále snaží s časom bojovať.

Vo svojich 54 rokoch sa dostala dokonca na titulku magazínu Sports Illustrated, len v bikinách:

Jej Instagram je prehliadka krásnych portrétov, ale Paulína sa nebojí priznať, že už nie je úplná mladica. Mnoho fotiek je pravdivých, no až doteraz boli aspoň fotené v dobrom svetle, alebo bola Paulína dokonale upravená. Pred pár dňami sa ale rozhodla pre absolútnu úprimnosť.

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Today narcissism is king and constant self-improvement is queen. Who wants to see “real” people on social media? No, we want aspirational. We want tips and secrets and shortcuts to how best present ourselves in the most glowing light. We want people to envy us, to copy us, to buy what we sell them, whether it’s our words, our brands, torture or magic. In this crowded forrest of aspirations, I look for the little meadows of peace. To me, those are the truthful ones, the ones that don’t always look amazing, and don’t always feel amazing, and aren’t just so fucking thrilled to be their awesome selves. So, this is what I really look like. Not a great photo, early in the morning, no make up no filters, just the real true me. I’ll be turning 55 soon. At first glance, I think - ew. I look so old. Grief is certainly no beauty maker. My eyelids are starting to droop. The jowly bits next to my mouth don’t only make me look older but also somehow bitter. The gray in my hair is an easy fix, although, honestly, I’d love to just grow it out and stop coloring. Now, how can I help to make all this -what we consider flaws - to be seen differently, to be seen as confidence and beauty of a mature age rather than something that needs to be eliminated? I used to think gray hair was aging, that it was a sign of giving in to being old, but thanks to many glorious and rocking hot women on Instagram, I’ve changed my vision to gray hair being sexy and confident. @themiddleagedgoddess @annikavonholdt There was a quote by @pink to her little daughter, about how it was not for them to fix themselves to fit the standards of beauty, but rather to help other people discover their beauty. Now, that is something to strive for. Not change yourself to fit in the box, but to blow up the fucking box. I’d like to end this post with a rousing “ let’s blow up the fucking box, ladies”, but although I really want to, and will try my best, the truth is that I am a mid-fifties woman, I’m vain and insecure, and next week I could decide to have surgical help to fit the comfortable and warm and familiar box instead of crusading to blow it up. #selfie #truth #beauty #sexyhasnoagelimit#blowupthefuckingbox

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Paulina Porizkova (@paulinaporizkov),

"Dnes je narcizmus kráľom, a neustále seba vylepšovanie kráľovnou. Kto by už chcel vidieť skutočných ľudí na sociálnych médiách," zamýšľa sa žena, ktorá bola vo svete krásy po celý život. "Chceme, aby nám ľudia závideli, aby nás napodobňovali, kupovali, čo im predávame, či už sú to naše slová, značky, utrpenie alebo zázraky," pokračuje v hodnotení spoločnosti.

Aby neostalo pri prázdnych slovách, Paulína pridala fotku. Skutočnú, bez úprav, bez štipky líčenia. "Takže, takto naozaj vyzerám. Nie je to super fotka, skoro ráno, bez makeupu, bez filtrov, len skutočná ja. Budem mať 55. Na prvý pohľad si pomyslím - fuj. Vyzerám tak staro. Žiaľ skutočne na kráse nepridáva," povedala úprimne Paulína s pripomienkou smútku, ktorý prežíva po nedávnom skone manžela Rica Ocaska, hoci bývalého.

Pozrite si tento príspevok na Instagrame

My last post about being rejected by a photographer I idolized got me thinking.( By the way, thank you all so much for the lovely comments). There were a few other photographers I adored and fervently wished to work with, who either worked with me once, or never even tried. For the ones I worked with only once - I could take responsibility - maybe I was an asshole that day. Maybe they didn’t like my personality. But the ones that refused me based on my looks, well, those are the hard ones to forget - because I could’t do anything about the way I looked. And that’s what modeling was about in a nutshell. When you got rejected, it was because of the way you looked. As a 54 year old woman, of course I can look at it and smile. There is more to me than looks, even if you don’t know that. And, I’m not here to please everyone. And I’m delighted that you think your wife or lover is way more beautiful than me. But as a teen, that stuff hurts. And that is also why modeling, as amazing as it can be, can be equally damaging to a young soul. #truth #modeling #overworkedoverpaid photo by @taylorbphoto for @si_swimsuit

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Paulina Porizkova (@paulinaporizkov),

Dlhý status končí odporúčaním: "Nemeňte sa, aby ste sa zmestili do nejakej škatuľky, s tej prekliatej škatuľky vyskočte. Pravda je, že aj ja som márnivá a neistá a hneď na budúci týždeň by som sa mohla rozhodnúť ísť na zákrok, ktorý by mi pomohol zmestiť sa do pohodlnej, teplej a priateľskej škatuľky namiesto toho, aby som sa vydala na križiacku výpravu dostať sa z nej," uzavrela svoje rozhodnutie.

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